



目標金額 3,000,000円


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2020年08月18日 01:16



☀What is "Junkan no Mura"?


All things and all lives in this world exist in a repeating cycle of dying and being reborn. I thought of the name "Junkan no Mura", which can be translated as “Cycle village”, based on the idea of a community connecting to nature, feeling harmony, and learning to live independently.



◎What we want to achieve in “Junkan no Mura”◎


1. Production of crops without chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and operation of a restaurant.

We will grow delicious vegetables with peace of mind, and operate a restaurant using them.



2. Do you learn to raise children through agriculture? A challenging agriculture experience!

Planting seeds and sprouts, making them grow with time and effort, experience them bearing fruit, and then planting their seeds once again... We will create a farming program to nurture the mind through nature.



3. Experience life using only natural energy

Life in the longing for nature. But you also need to be prepared for risks. What if you don't have all the internet environment, electricity, and water that you normally are used to? We will create a place where you can experience life only with natural energy and raise awareness of disaster prevention.



4. Create a learning place and a school building based on the theme of contact with nature

The imagination of children is endless. Even without artificial toys, tree branches and stones can be transformed into various things. In today's world of information, we believe that imagination grows in the hearts of people. While making the most of Yamase's environment, we will create a learning program that faces the importance of life and the preciousness of nature. In order to also enable remote learning, the school will have a minimum network environment.



5. Workshops, events and native experiences in the midst of nature

Surrounded by cedar forests, you can enjoy yoga, art and live music in an open space where you can hear the babbling of the river. In addition, we will incorporate activities that make the most of the characteristics of the region and disseminate history and culture. We will install permanent tipis and a sweat lodge, where we will hold workshops with the aim of being able to feel the connection with nature through foreign culture.



We conducted a survey targeting 100 local Saga citizens concerning the above-mentioned concept with the title "What if there was such a place?".


Q. If such a place could be realized, you would...


A.  like to be involved in village planning... 54%


​​ like to go when it is realized... 48%


support it from the background... 12%


not be interested... 0%


Q. Among these initiatives, which one is most interesting to you?


A. Production of crops that do not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides, and management of a restaurant that uses them 41%


Workshops and events where you can feel the history and nature of the area... 37%


Operating a learning place and a school building based on the theme of contact with nature・・・36%


Experience life using only natural energy...30%


Do you learn to raise children through agriculture? A challenging agriculture experience!



Looking at the survey results, I was surprised that the number of people, who were interested in the project, was far beyond my imagination, and above all  I was so happy that the points that garnered the highest interest coincided with the wishes of the owners Mr. and Mrs. Mizobe.


First of all, in order to obtain the unique land and buildings of Yamase and to realize this village development, a total of 8 million yen is required. This time, as a part of this sum, we will aim for 3 million yen, and we would like to kindly ask everyone for your support.


Junkan no Mura Details

Address: 1161-2 Yamase, Hamatama-cho, Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture

Expected opening date: September 2021


*This project is a participatory project created by everyone, so we will start preparing for the opening when crowdfunding is achieved. For example, we are planning to start the field maintenance, cleaning up and repairing the restaurant building, and mowing the farmland.


☀While the feelings of the owner and his wife are held on to,

I want to create a place that protects nature and nurtures people.


I think there are still many wonderful places with deep history and culture all over the country and all around the world.


However, if you want to protect and improve all of them, you cannot do it all at once, but only one place at a time. I believe that from a single drop of that "passion", it will reach a person with similar thoughts and aspirations, like a ripple, and eventually reach their hometown or a place where they can imagine to make it happen.


Plain to see this!

We have created a PR video that introduces our beautiful Yamase and summarizes our thoughts, so please take a look!



Please lend us your strength as the first step in creating "I wish there was such a place". Please provide us your support!



☀About the rewards


We would like to send a heartfelt message to each of you who support us.


"Villager certificates" are delivered with branded cedar boards. Please enjoy the scent with the attached sandpaper and arrange the form to your liking. Also, we will keep you updated on the progress of Junkan no Mura.


Also, for those who can come, we prepared a reward for you to fully enjoy Yamase.  You can delight in lunch, accommodation,  a horseback riding experience, etc. at “Dosanko Mira Farm, a guest house where you can ride horses”, a guesthouse that has been located in Yamase for 10 years. It is a 3-minute walk away from the project site, so you can see the actual state of the site.


Homepage "Dosanko Mira Farm, a guest house where you can ride horses”



In addition, we are preparing a reward sent to you by mail, for those of you who live far away and cannot come to visit so easily.


With this course you will receive a CD by Wong Wing Tsan, a composer and meditation pianist who also works on theme songs for NHK's "Nippon Kikou" (Japan Travelogue) and E-Tele’s "Kokoro no Jidai" (Era of the heart).  Hiroe Matsuda, the founder of this project, planned a piano concert of his in Karatsu in May 2019, and arranged a second concert in the autumn of the same year. Having been shown around Yamase on this occasion, Wong Wing Tsan knows of the charm of Yamase and is a strong supporter! We will deliver a CD of Wong's own choice to the supporters.


Meditation pianist Wong Wing Tsan’s homepage



The "Junkan no Mura Villager Course" allows you to camp in Junkan no Mura and use farmland in the fields (around 6.5 m²)! (Concerning the location of the actual site, please contact us for details). In addition, as we proceed with the project in the future, we will invite you to events and show you around as a Commentator of various genres of food, clothing, and living. We would like to have a long relationship with all of you who support us!































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