
目標金額 13,500,000円
- 寄付者
- 212人
- 募集終了日
- 2020年5月26日
【English Page】How to Donate via Credit Card / PC
Thank you for your interest in this project. This page explains how to support our project from computer.Please refer to the following page for details about this crowdfunding challenge.
[EN] Basic details about our project
▷【English Page】How to Support by Credit Card / mobile phone
STEP1 ▶︎ Create your account on READYFOR
Please visit the top page of the project and see the interface below. Click the red button to support this project.
Next, you will see the interface below and be asked to create your account.You can either register with your Facebook account or with your e-mail address.
If you decide to register with your e-mail address, you will see the interface below.
Please enter your name, e-mail address, and password, and press the red button in the bottom to create your account.
Once you click the red button, you will receive an email from READYFOR (no_reply@readyfor.jp) and you will be asked to verify your email address by clicking the first URL on the email.
One you click the URL, you will jump to the interface below and now you can choose how much you will contribute.
STEP2▶︎Choose how much to pledge / contribute for the project
Once you see the interface below, please choose how much to pledge.
You can choose to donate in increments of 5,000 yen, 10,000 yen, 30,000 yen, 50,000 yen, 100,000 yen, 300,000 yen, 500,000 yen, or 1,000,000 yen.
① Chose which amount to pledge. For example, you want to donate 10,000 yen.
② Click here to change the number of 10,000 yen increments you will donate. For example, to donate only 10,000 yen, change this number to 1. If you want to donate 20,000 yen, change this number to 2 (10,000 yen X 2 = 20,000 yen).
③ Enter the name you want to appear in the progress report that we will distribute (only if you donated 10,000 yen or more)
Scroll down to see the summary of what you have chosen.
After confirming the donation amount, choose to pay by credit card, and then click the red button on the bottom right of the page.
STEP3▶︎Enter your credit card information
Please enter your credit card number and card expiration date.
STEP4▶︎Enter your address
After you enter your credit card information, please scroll down the page.
In this section, please enter your address so that the project members can send the “thank you gift” to you.
If you don't live in Japan, please follow the instructions in red. (The project team will contact you for further information about your address to make sure the thank you gift will be delivered to you)
After entering your address, please click the red button in the bottom right to proceed.
STEP5▶︎Confirm your contribution
Next, you will see the interface below, where you can check all your details, including the amount of money you are pledging, your name, address, and credit card number.
If all the information is correct, please click the red button in the bottom right to confirm your contribution.
STEP6▶︎Write a message to the project
Once you confirm your contribution, your donation will be completed and you will see the interface below.
Please write your message to the project (the message will be listed on the 応援コメント ("Support Comment") section of the project page. Send the message by clicking the red button below the blank. If you do not write a message, the default message that will be posted is 「頑張ってください!」("Good luck!").
Once you send the message you are done with your process to support the project.
Thank you for your contribution! We greatly appreciate your support.
Please consider further supporting us by sharing our project with others who may be interested in what we do.
①領収証発行およびお礼状の送付 ※1
※1 領収証は本クラウドファンディング成立後、2020年8~9月頃の発送予定
①Receipt & thank-you note ※1
②Progress report booklet (PDF)
※1 Receipts will be sent out around August to September 2020 after the conclusion of the crowdfunding
- 申込数
- 86
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2021年5月
①領収証発行およびお礼状の送付 ※1
※1 領収証は本クラウドファンディング成立後、2020年8~9月頃の発送予定
①Receipt & thank-you note ※1
②Progress report booklet (physical copy)
③Donor name will be printed on progress report booklet
※1 Receipts will be sent out around August to September 2020 after the conclusion of the crowdfunding
- 申込数
- 87
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2021年5月
①領収証発行およびお礼状の送付 ※1
※1 領収証は本クラウドファンディング成立後、2020年8~9月頃の発送予定
①Receipt & thank-you note ※1
②Progress report booklet (PDF)
※1 Receipts will be sent out around August to September 2020 after the conclusion of the crowdfunding
- 申込数
- 86
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2021年5月
①領収証発行およびお礼状の送付 ※1
※1 領収証は本クラウドファンディング成立後、2020年8~9月頃の発送予定
①Receipt & thank-you note ※1
②Progress report booklet (physical copy)
③Donor name will be printed on progress report booklet
※1 Receipts will be sent out around August to September 2020 after the conclusion of the crowdfunding
- 申込数
- 87
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2021年5月


- 現在
- 713,000円
- 支援者
- 60人
- 残り
- 40日


- 現在
- 957,000円
- 支援者
- 33人
- 残り
- 27日


- 現在
- 3,335,000円
- 寄付者
- 118人
- 残り
- 51日

- 現在
- 2,825,000円
- 支援者
- 107人
- 残り
- 35日


- 現在
- 1,887,000円
- 支援者
- 205人
- 残り
- 19日

- 現在
- 531,500円
- 支援者
- 65人
- 残り
- 9日


- 現在
- 12,179,000円
- 支援者
- 625人
- 残り
- 12日