目標金額 10,000,000円
- 寄付者
- 661人
- 募集終了日
- 2023年5月8日
[Eisei Bunko] Four national treasure swords.
Thank you for your support for our crowdfunding of cultural heritage repairing project.
The project has 13 days remaining. Appreciate your continuous support until May 8th.
本プロジェクトと同時開催中の令和4年度早春展「揃い踏み 細川の名刀たち―永青文庫の国宝登場―」への出品作品より、国宝の4振をご紹介します。
We will introduce you four national treasure swords from our Early Spring Exhibition 2023 : “Superb Swords of the Hosokawa Family – the National Treasures on display”. This exhibition is being held in parallel with the cultural heritage repairing project.
Please refer below for exhibition information.
National Treasure
Long Sword (Katana)
Signed "Mitsutada, Kotoku" in gold inlay
Formerly used by Ikoma, Lord of Sanuki Province
Known as "Ikoma Mitsutada"
Cutting-edge length: 68.5 cm
Kamakura period, 13th C.
This long sword is by Mitsutada, a swordsmith from Osafune village in Bizen province. This wide blade has a magnificent shape, with a rather short and stout point section (ikubi-kissaki). The hardened edge (hamon) has Mitsutada’s characteristic vibrant clove blossom pattern (choji-midare). The long swordwas originally a much longer tachi, but it was shortened and converted in a katana. The famous sword appraiser, Hon’ami Kotoku, appraised the work to Mitsutada, and commissioned the gold inlaid inscription, Ikoma Sanuki no Kami Shoji (A possession of Governor Ikoma of Sanuki province [Kagawa pref.]) for Ikoma Kazumasa (1555-1610) a general who served Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Designation History
31st July, 1934 Important Art Object. Hosokawa Moritatsu.
18th September, 1936 Former National Treasure. Hosokawa Moritatsu.
2nd February, 1955 National Treasure. Eisei Bunko Museum.
National Treasure
Long Sword (Tachi)
Signed "By Yukihira of Bungo Province"
Known as "Kokindenju no Tachi"
Cutting-edge length: 80.0 cm
Heian~Kamakura periods 12th~13th C.
This long sword is by Yukihira of Bungo province. It is an elegant shaped slender blade with a deep koshi-zori (the center of curvature is deepest in the base/handle of the blade). It has a straight hardened edge pattern (suguha). Yukihira is the oldest smith known to adorn his blades with decorative carvings (horimono). This work is carved with a Sanskrit character and a kurikara dragon design on the obverse, with another Sankrit character and a depiction of the Buddhist Deity, Fudo Myo-o, on the reverse.
This long sword is widely known as belonging to the 1st Generation of the Hosokawa Family, Yusai, also known as Fujitaka (1534-1610) .
Designation History
30th January, 1934. Former National Treasure. Hosokawa Moritatsu.
9th June, 1951. National Treasure. Eisei Bunko Museum.
National Treasure
Short Sword (Tanto)
Unsigned, attributed to Masamune
Known as "Hocho Masamune"
Cutting-edge length: 21.8 cm
Kamakura period, 14th C.
This short sword is by Masamune of Kamakura, Sagami province (Kanagawa pref.). It is a rather wide blade as compared to its length. It is referred to as, Hocho Masamune as the shape resembles that of a kitchen knife (Hocho). There are nie (metallurgic crystals that are individually discernable with the naked eye) in the main surface and hardened sections of the blade. The beauty of these crystals is outstanding and display Masamune’s workmanship characteristic well. It has a carving of a double-edged sword (ken) in the surface of the obverse of the blade, and a Sanskrit character on the reverse. A former possession of the Zen monk, Ankokuji Ekei, in the Azuchi-Momoyama period (16th-17th C.), it was later passed down within the Oshi clan of the Matsudaira family. In the Meiji period (1868-1912), it was owned by Ito Miyoji.
Designation History
10th May, 1935. Important Art Object. Ito Harumasa.
25th May, 1937. Former National Treasure. Hosokawa Moritatsu.
22nd November, 1952. National Treasure. Eisei Bunko Museum.
National Treasure
Short Sword (Tanto)
Signed "Norishige"
Known as "Nihon-ichi Norishige"
Cutting-edge length: 24.5 cm
Kamakura period, 13th C.
This short sword is by Norishige of Nei county in Echizen province (Toyama pref.). Norishige (alongside Masamune) was student of Shintogo Kunimitsu of Sagami province (Kanagawa pref.). Norishige produced many excellent short sword, but this particular example is credited with being among his best works. The short sword is rather slender, and the curvature in the point section is subdued, giving it an overall sharp appearance. The pattern of the hardened edge (hamon) is rich with abundant discernable crystals (nie) and other crystalline activities. It displays Norishige’s characteristic workmanship well.
Designation History
19th January, 1931. Former National Treasure. Fukushima Yukinobu.
14th November, 1953. National Treasure. Eisei Bunko Museum.
A | 基本コース
・寄付領収証 ※1
・READYFOR限定デザイン 永青文庫ご招待券(4枚綴り) ※2
※2)4枚綴り / READYFOR限定デザイン / 有効期間:2023年7月29日~2024年12月31日 / 月曜日、展示替期間、年末年始休館
- 申込数
- 89
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2023年9月
B | 【READYFOR限定】細川家の甲冑・刀剣ピンバッチセットコース
・寄付領収証 ※1
・READYFOR限定デザイン 永青文庫ご招待券(4枚綴り) ※2
・READYFOR限定デザイン 細川家の甲冑・刀剣ピンバッチセット
※2)4枚綴り / READYFOR限定デザイン / 有効期間:2023年7月29日~2024年12月31日 / 月曜日、展示替期間、年末年始休館
- 申込数
- 331
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2023年9月
A | 基本コース
・寄付領収証 ※1
・READYFOR限定デザイン 永青文庫ご招待券(4枚綴り) ※2
※2)4枚綴り / READYFOR限定デザイン / 有効期間:2023年7月29日~2024年12月31日 / 月曜日、展示替期間、年末年始休館
- 申込数
- 89
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2023年9月
B | 【READYFOR限定】細川家の甲冑・刀剣ピンバッチセットコース
・寄付領収証 ※1
・READYFOR限定デザイン 永青文庫ご招待券(4枚綴り) ※2
・READYFOR限定デザイン 細川家の甲冑・刀剣ピンバッチセット
※2)4枚綴り / READYFOR限定デザイン / 有効期間:2023年7月29日~2024年12月31日 / 月曜日、展示替期間、年末年始休館
- 申込数
- 331
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2023年9月
- 現在
- 7,545,000円
- 寄付者
- 272人
- 残り
- 7日
- 現在
- 43,988,000円
- 支援者
- 1,925人
- 残り
- 6日
- 総計
- 648人
- 現在
- 30,702,156円
- 支援者
- 2,039人
- 残り
- 53分
森鴎外『舞姫』執筆の旧居 根津神社への移築プロジェクト【最終章】
- 現在
- 7,005,000円
- 支援者
- 154人
- 残り
- 12日
- 現在
- 35,975,000円
- 支援者
- 2,226人
- 残り
- 35日
- 現在
- 41,295,000円
- 支援者
- 1,733人
- 残り
- 7日