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- 2022年2月7日
【神社の正しい参拝方法】How to Pray at a Japanese Shrine
Today I will talk about the basic manners when visiting a shrine.
Firstly, a word from Ms. Megumi Soda, who helped me shoot these photos.
I re-visited Gion-san for the first time in 19 years.
Gion-san had a big tree standing near it, and when I saw it for the first time in a while, I thought it was big and amazing. I wondered what this tree had looked like when I was a kid, and I'm sure it felt even bigger to me. I often re-lived the memories of playing kick the can and climbing this tree. When I was a kid, I used to come and play without worrying about anything, but when I became an adult, I felt that I couldn't go there.
When I went inside the shrine, I felt sad because it was getting old. Since it is a historic building, it may be aging, but it is even more sad to think that Gion-san will be really useless if nothing is done to take care of it. Please donate money so that the shrine can be reborn as a new Gion-san.
I hope it can become a place that children and adults will want to visit again.
Basic manners of visiting a shrine
It seems that there are no strict rules when visiting a shrine.
These rules are just a guide, and you don’t need to follow them exactly. Each person has their own way of expressing respect, and above all, it is important to be genuine when you visit a shrine.
(Note that there are also special considerations depending on the shrine and area, as each shrine is unique)
1. Give a bow before going through the torii
The torii is said to signify the outside world and the inside world of the shrine, and once you pass through, you have entered the realm of God.
It's a polite act to go through after giving a bow, as if you were visiting the house of a superior. Even when you exit after worshiping, it is a good idea to turn around and give another bow.
2. Walk avoiding the middle of the approach
The middle of the approach is called the "Seichu" and is said to be the path that God goes through. Avoid walking here and walk a little to the left or the right.
3. Clean your hands and mouth at the Chozuya
- Have a handkerchief ready where you can easily take it out, then hold the wooden dipper with your right hand, draw water, and wash your left hand. Be careful not to let the washed water pour back into the basin as the water in the basin is considered clean. As a guide, use 1/3 of the water for each step.
- Switch to your left hand and wash your right hand.
- Switch to your right hand, catch water in your left palm, and rinse your mouth. Do not drink directly from the wooden dipper. It is smart to bend your knees and hide your mouth with your left hand when draining the water.
- Raise the wooden dipper and wash the handle so that the remaining water flows to the handle.
- Put it back to the place where it was originally. Don't waste water and do it calmly.
4. How do the offering boxes work?
If there is a bell on the offer box, you may ring it. It is said that the tone purifies visitors to the shrine. First, ring the bell and prepare your visit. After that, you can make a donation.
5. The routine is two bows, two claps, one more bow
Nirei Nikshu Ichirei is the basic etiquette for worshiping today. It is also called two worships, two claps, and one worship.
- 一度姿勢を正し、深いお辞儀を2回行う
- 胸の高さで、右手を少し引いて(ずらして)手を合わせる。肩幅程度に両手を開き、2回打つ
- 手をきちんと合わせ、心を込めて祈る
- 深いお辞儀をする
- Correct your posture once and bow deeply twice.
- At chest level, put your hands together, and then shift your right hand a little lower than the left. Open both hands about shoulder width and clap twice.
- Put your hands together and pray with all your heart.
- Make a deep bow.
Depending on the shrine, the number of claps may be different. If there is a sign that tells you how to do it, it's a good idea to follow it.
引用サイト:『じゃらんニュース 行ってみたい!が見つかる』, https://www.jalan.net/news/article/456563/ ,(2021.12.18)
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