


目標金額 10,000,000円


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2021年12月18日 08:32

We want to put climate clocks in Tokyo!!

We are starting the Climate Clock Project in Shibuya, Tokyo!!! 


Currently, in Japan, climate activism by the younger generation has made some progress in pressuring the Japanese government to create a plan to achieve carbon neutrality. In the past year, the Japanese government has pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. 



We named our collective “a(n)action.”

Members of a(n)action are all under the age of 20, and we formed this collective to bring about new ways for Japanese people to learn and take action to fight against climate change.


We met while working on the Japanese version of "Fridays For Future".


Although the four of us had very different motivations for starting climate action, we have been working on policy proposals for the government, signature campaigns, and campaigns aimed at corporations, based on our desire to "protect our future” from the climate crisis caused by human-induced global warming.


However, in Japan, the number of people raising their voices against political leaders and corporations whose actions exacerbate global warming is dishearteningly small.


We desperately want more people to take action to stop climate change!!!!!

With this in mind, we decided to start the Climate Clock Project in Shibuya!


Our clocks show how much time is left before the earth reaches the critical point of a +1.5 degree increase in average global temperature, and the clocks will facilitate viewers' participation in climate activism. 


What is happening in Japan?

 In Japan, the torrential rains that occurred in August 2021 were "record-breaking" in scale, the same scale as the torrential rains that occurred in western Japan in 2018, mainly in the Kyushu region*.

 Some assessments suggest that as global warming progresses, heavy rains of the magnitude of the western Japan torrential rains will occur more than three times as often*.

Not only are we experiencing torrential rains and typhoons, but heatwaves are also becoming more serious.

(Flood caused by Typhoon Hagibis in October 2019.)


However, in Japan, "decarbonization" has become a mere business trend before the media and citizens have correctly understood the speed at which climate change is taking place, and the danger it presents. A sense of urgency about climate change does not exist in Japan, and most Japanese are unaware of and unconcerned about the short time we have left before the temperature rises by 1.5 degrees Celsius.


Our high school and college classmates are not fully aware of the need for change in the political and corporate social systems, but rather they stop at the point of "we should do something eco-friendly, right?” They don't understand the need for change in Japan’s political and corporate systems.


The number of young people who speak out against politics and corporations is disturbingly small.


Nevertheless, more than 80% of Japan's CO2 emissions come from the activities of large corporations, including energy (39.1%), industry (25.2%), and transportation (17.9%). The household sector, where we as individuals have a direct impact, accounts for only 4.8% of the total. *


We need to change the social systems of corporations and governments because they have the power to significantly reduce CO2 emissions.


 7.5 years from now, when the globe is projected to reach the 1.5-degree rise in temperature, we will not even be 30 years old.


We can't just sit back and watch the world's attempt to combat climate change come too late, just a few years out of college.


We want to take action now and make a change that has never happened before!


This is why we are putting Climate Clocks in Tokyo. 


What is a Climate Clock?

Our Climate Clock is a global climate change solution campaign that clearly shows the mission we humans must undertake, showing "what we need to do by when. *

 In the world, the first clock was installed in New York in September 2020, and large-scale Climate Clocks have been installed in Glasgow, New York, Seoul, and other cities.

These clocks show the time remaining until the world runs over the amount of CO2 (called carbon budget) that we are allowed to emit to keep the average global temperature increase to "less than 1.5 degrees" compared to pre-industrial times.


The latest countdown can be found here. https://climateclock.world/  


We decided to start a Climate Clock campaign in Japan because we thought that if Japan had a clock that showed the time limit, we could increase the number of people who would think about their future concerning global warming.


Our plans: 

  • We are going to put many (ideally 100) climate clocks around Shibuya to create touchpoints that help people realize the urgency of the climate crisis. 
  • We will make a web page that people can access via a QR code on the clock. Accessing this site allows people to easily join our petition to pressure the Japanese government to improve its climate policy.
  • After every 10,000 pledges, we will notify the Japanese government. 


Our climate clock plan is important because in Japan people still are not very aware of the urgency of the climate crisis and the timeline of climate change. Putting climate clocks around Shibuya, a major entertainment center in Tokyo will enable many people to realize the urgency of the climate crisis in their daily lives. People in Shibuya will see climate clocks many times during a single day and they will start talking about the mysterious clocks.

(Current visual design of the clock. 230mm * 600mm)

Also, we are aiming to make it easier for people to take action to combat climate change. Currently, various barriers are making it difficult for people to take action. Simply put, activism to combat climate change seems inaccessible, and it is regarded as not fun or cool. 


We will provide instant, one-tap access to a web page where people can join the pledge campaign pressuring the Japanese government to improve climate policy. In this way we will make taking action as easy and quick as possible; thus creating an accessible experience of social activism for people in Tokyo. 


Using Climate Clocks we are trying to normalize climate action in people’s lives and create a culture where people think it is cool to take climate action. 


 The process of the project will be posted on YouTube.

To realize this large-scale project of actually installing clocks in Shibuya, this project will be a joint project with SEAMES, a company that uses the power of art, media, and entertainment to communicate social issues. One of our members, Isao Sakai, was originally an intern for this company.

The project will not only include the production and installation of Climate Clocks and the opening of a special web page for climate change action but the entire process of fundraising and project progress will be filmed in documentary form and broadcast on the YouTube channel of the socially-engaged reality show "SPINZ" YouTube channel.

This documentary will show how young people like us are determined to take action that will have an impact on society, and serve as role models for those who want to take action in the future.

We would like to change the image of tackling climate change issues, so that it is not seen as hard, but that there are people who are working towards solutions in a fun way.



First target amount.


10 million yen


Project Details


We will create five complete Climate Clocks and install them in Shibuya Ward by the end of February 2022.


We have already received permission from the locations where the clocks will be installed.


By the end of February 2022, we will complete the design and development of a special page that allows users to take climate change action with "one-tap".


How will the funds be used?


Climate Clock development costs: Design of the clock and creation of a prototype.

1) Design of the clock itself

To create a clock that can function successfully in a variety of locations.

(2) Prototyping of the clock

To create a prototype of the clock, including experiments on the type of panel to be displayed and whether it can be operated by solar power.

(3) Building 5 finished clocks


Web development fee: To design and develop a special page.

1) Page design

2) Implementation of the page


Project management fee: This fee will be used to pay for the activities of the management members.

1) Actual expenses of the project members

2) Necessary expenses for actual work


Documentary production costs: We will use these costs for the production of documentary videos.

1) Production costs for 6 SPINZ videos

This includes direction, filming, editing, and production costs.


(2) Social networking service (SNS): To report the current status of the Climate Clock project and the activities of its members daily.

(1) SNS team designer fee

(2) Cost for the SNS team in charge of videos




In addition, READYFOR fees (12% of the final amount achieved) and settlement fees (5% of the final amount achieved) will be charged.




Management Body


Project planning and execution: a(n)action


Video production and Overall Project Management: SEAMES Inc.


Members of a(n)action

We are trying to create a(n)action, which is a new kind of media to make people think about climate change in a friendly and interesting way.

For more information, please click here: https://www.instagram.com/anaction_shibuya/?hl=en


Mio Neihart (18)

Nodoka Mishima (20)

Isao Sakai (20)

Mutsumi Kurobe (20)


Co-organizing Producer: SEAMES inc.



SEAMES is a company that spreads awareness of social issues through the power of art, media, and entertainment, and at the same time presents new ideas for action and solutions. The company name SEAMES is an acronym for Socially Engaged Art Media and Entertainment.

Currently, the company produces and consults for the aforementioned SPINZ, Polygonz, a Youtube channel for communicating social issues, and Studio R330, a brand launched by the Model/TV personality ROLA.



▶︎How to Support by Credit Card



目指せ2000人!1000円でClimate Clockを支援する!!

目指せ2000人!1000円でClimate Clockを支援する!!

○ メンバーからのお礼のメッセージをお届けします。

2000人と一緒にClimate Clockを実現させたいです!ぜひ、一緒にアクションしましょう!



ものはいらない!ミニマリストなあなたへ:Climate Clockを支援する!

ものはいらない!ミニマリストなあなたへ:Climate Clockを支援する!

◯ メンバーからお礼のメッセージをお送りいたします。



目指せ2000人!1000円でClimate Clockを支援する!!

目指せ2000人!1000円でClimate Clockを支援する!!

○ メンバーからのお礼のメッセージをお届けします。

2000人と一緒にClimate Clockを実現させたいです!ぜひ、一緒にアクションしましょう!



ものはいらない!ミニマリストなあなたへ:Climate Clockを支援する!

ものはいらない!ミニマリストなあなたへ:Climate Clockを支援する!

◯ メンバーからお礼のメッセージをお送りいたします。

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