ウィーンで世界的音楽家を多数輩出した名教師 湯浅勇治氏の遺産継承へ



目標金額 3,000,000円


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2024年01月16日 10:00

Crowdfunding | English Translation


Crowdfunding | Preserve the Legacy of Classical Music Legend


Project Overview


Thank you for your interest in our project.

My name is Taichi Hiratsuka, one of the founding members of this crowdfunding campaign.


Even if you have little to no connection or interest in the world of classical music, you probably know more than you realize about one of its major musical centers, Vienna. If the names of Mozart, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Vienna New Year’s Concert ring any bells, then you have already engaged with one of the beating hearts of our musical community. 


Within this city of artistic giants, Yuji Yuasa has been hailed as one of Vienna’s most distinguished music educators for over 30 years, serving as a professor at The University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and mentoring many world-class musicians and orchestral conductors, such as Kirill Petrenko (conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra) and Andrés Orozco-Estrada (former music director of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra).


Last year, Yuji Yuasa tragically passed away at the age of 66. Upon the first anniversary of his death, many of his disciples, including myself, decided to launch this crowdfunding project to preserve his vast music legacy ― out-of-print books, CDs, and Records ― to pass onto future generations.


About Yuji Yuasa 


There isn’t a classical musician in Vienna who does not know the name of Yuji Yuasa.


Throughout his 30-year career as a professor in orchestral conducting at one of the most prestigious music schools in the world, he gained a reputation for his sophisticated and stringent teaching style, and nurtured numerous world-class orchestral conductors, including Kirill Petrenko, Andrés Orozco-Estrada, and Marie Jacquot (principal conductor of the Royal Danish Opera). More recent talents include the award-winning pianist Kyohei Sorita, who also studied conducting under Yuji.


(Left: Yuji Yuasa, Right: Seiji Ozawa / A scene at Rohm Music Foundation 2013)


In his later years, he had to retire early from his professorship due to health complications, but he still continued to give weekly private lessons both in Vienna and Japan, and was enthusiastic about carrying on the tradition of classical music and fostering younger generations.


Known affectionately as Yuji, he was loved by many of his students. When he passed away on December 17th, 2022, the unexpected news sent shockwaves throughout the entire classical community, and his death received wide attention from media outlets around the world. ("Obituary: Professor & Conductor Yuji Yuasa Dies at 77" click here



Details of the Project

Yuji’s Music Collection 

Yuji’s passing was extremely sudden. As he had no next of kin and had left no will, the city of Vienna immediately seized his home and possessions upon his death. To the dismay of his students and colleagues, among the items seized was a tremendous amount of musical assets, such as out-of-print scores, valuable sheet music, CDs and records. 


"By the way, my music collection includes over 15,000 CDs, 300 opera DVDs, 12,000 records, 8,000 cassette tapes, 1,000 open-reel tapes, 1,000 music books, 7,000 orchestral scores and 1,000 mp3 recordings. I started to record radio stations when I was in my first year of junior high school, and I am still recording classical programs on Austrian Radio, Radio Stephan, Bavaria 4, NHK-FM, and New York and Boston FM stations on a daily basis. My home is like a warehouse!" (Yuji Yuasa)



The thought of Yuji’s lifelong collection being discarded in this manner was unacceptable to a handful of his closest students. We believed in the importance of passing on the historical and educational value of Yuji’s collection to future generations, and so we decided to go to court to legally regain control of his property. The proceedings lasted several months, but with the tremendous help of Yuji’s closest friends we finally received approval.


However, soon after receiving permission to enter Yuji's home, the landlord notified us that we had to immediately vacate the property and move his belongings to another location. For students like us, the moving cost (€3,400) was by no means a small expenditure.


Digitization of Yuji's Notes / Distribution of his CDs to Donors

With the hard work and help of 15 moving staff we were thankfully able to complete the move. As we could not afford to pay the rent of the new apartment forever, we decided to digitize as many of these precious belongings as possible, while gradually disposing of the originals, and making the copyright-free items (if containing Yuji's insightful notes) available for educational purposes. 


We believe that many of Yuji Yuasa’s notes and insights are of tremendous educational value to music scholars and enthusiasts alike, so we founded this crowdfunding project as a way to raise awareness and preserve the indispensable gift that Dr Yuasa bequeathed upon us. Furthermore, we would like to distribute these notes (※1) and belongings (e.g. relatively new CDs) (※2) as a thank-you to donors who have supported the project. 


※1: We gained advanced permission from the copyright holders/publishers (Ongaku No Tomo Sha Corp., Zen-On Music Company Limited, and Schott Music Group) to make Yuji’s annotated scores accessible to our donors. To gain access to the digitized scores, please donate a certain amount (see "Rewards" section below) and register your email-address via the payment process.

※2: We have advanced confirmation from the police public safety department that this distribution does not constitute "resale" and is therefore legal. To receive this reward, please donate a certain amount (see "Rewards" section below) and register your email-address via the payment process.



Use of Funds 

We plan to use the funds raised through this crowdfunding project to cover a series of expenses associated with preserving Yuji's belongings. In addition to the cleanup and moving expenses that have already been incurred, we will use the funds to cover the maintenance costs (including rent) required to digitize the music scores and distribute rewards, which will amount to a total of an estimated 3,000,000 Japanese yen (around $20,000). If more than the target amount is raised, we intend to organize a series of events (e.g. concerts, master classes, workshops and meet-up events) through the "Wiener Koala no Kai"., as a way to express our gratitude to you, the donors.


< Target Amount >

3.0 million yen / c.$20,000

< Use of funds >

- Cleaning and moving expenses (already incurred) ・・・€3,400.
- Rent for temporary storage of Yuji's belongings (already paid + future rent) ・・・€13,750.
- Maintenance expenses, including labor for digitization and disposal of the items・・・$3,000.
- Reward costs (e.g. wine, shipping costs, etc.)・・・$10 per person (on average)
- Crowdfunding fees + Sales tax・・・18.7% of total amount raised
- Other・・・e.g. Payment for workshop speakers


Below is a list of the rewards, which will be given depending on the reward-package you choose.

< Reward Packages  > 

- "Thank You" Email・・・for All donors
- Gain Access to the Copyright-Free Sheet Music which contains Dr. Yuasa's Notes・・・ for $50+ donors
- Postcards and Concert Videos (performed by the members of Koala no Kai) ・・・ for $300+ donors
- 50 randomly allocated CDs (from Dr. Yuasa's collection) ・・・ for $800+ donors
- Invitation to an Orchestral Concert at Wiener Musikverein (with Invitation to the Leopold Museum)・・・ for $3,000+ donors

※These options are subject to the donation amount. If you want to receive any of these rewards, please donate a certain amount exceeding the requirement and register your email-address via the payment process.


We hope all of you will find something culturally and personally worthwhile from our project!



How to Donate


Choose your payment method from the options below (①, ② are the most convenient). If you wish to receive rewards (see "the Details of Returns" section), please pay the amount that exceeds the minimum requirement for each reward, and share your email address via the payment procedure. 

①Paypal / Credit Card


※if you wish to receive rewards, please specify your email address in the comment box in the payment process.

②Bank Transfer

For large donations, please make a bank transfer to the account of the “Wiener Koalano Kai” or send money via an international money transfer app (e.g. Wise).


- Payee name: Wiener Koalano Kai

- Payee address: Lerchenfelder Strasse 62-64/14 , (city) Vienna (postcode) 1080, (country) Austria

- Payee account number (IBAN): AT072011184513679500

- Bank code (BIC): GIBAATWWXXX

- Currency: Euro or USD

- Bank name: Erste Bank

- Bank Address: Linke Wienzeile 10, 1060, Wien P

- Purpose of transfer: Donation for Non-profit Organization

*Please note that you are responsible for any remittance fees that may be incurred*


After making your donation, please send an email to [koalainwien@gmail.com] with the following information to receive rewards: 1) your name, 2) the donation amount, 3) your email address (or preferred contact method)

③Readyfor's Official Payment Method (Registration is required) 

Click here




  Taichi Hiratsuka  

B.A. (Conducting) at Tokyo University of the Arts. / M.A. (Conducting) at Music and Arts University of the city of Vienna. Currently majoring in M.A. (Korrepetitor) at Music and Arts University of the city of Vienna.


I still remember the day when I first met Dr. Yuji Yuasa ten years ago. I was absolutely taken by his charisma and immediately decided to study under him, to pursue my career as an orchestral conductor. I was privileged to be able to study under him in Vienna for the last three years, and I would like to share what I learned from him with as many people as possible through this crowdfunding project. I would appreciate your support to create a better future together for the entire classical music world.

  Akaru Sumizawa  

B.A. (Music Science) at Tokyo University of the Arts. Currently majoring in M.A. (Conducting) at Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts.


Thank you for stopping by our crowdfunding page. Dr. Yuasa was thoroughly committed to passing on the tradition of classical music for many years in Vienna. His scores leave us many clues into his trial and error process of analyzing music, and the analog sounds of his records are filled with nostalgia, all of which left me determined to protect these precious assets in any way possible. Through digitization, we hope to share his legacy with you all. We thank you for all the support you can provide.

  Yoshinori Nagase  

B.A. (Economics) at Keio University. / M.A. (Music Business) at Berklee College of Music. Currently full-time MBA student at Columbia Business School / part-time student (Extension Program/Piano) at The Juilliard School.


Thank you so much for your interest in our project. Almost two decades ago, I came across Yuji's name for the first time in Seiji Ozawa's autobiography, and ever since, Yuji has always been a legendary figure to me. I was lucky enough to meet him two years ago, but since his passing I have found it hard to express my grief. Now I'm motivated to make a positive impact on the future of the classical music industry through this crowdfunding project. I’d really appreciate your kind support and thank you so much for your cooperation!



Messages from Our Supporters

  Rainer Küchl
(The former 1st concertmaster of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra)




Shortly after accepting the invitation to the Wiener Koala Society, I heard the news of Dr. Yuasa Yuji's death and was completely at a loss for words. At the same time, I learned the existence of Yuji’s vast collection of sheet music and CDs through an e-mail from one of my pupils, Horie-san.

In this age of the Internet, everything is downloaded and digitized, which I think is sometimes an unforgiving time for artists. The legacy of Yuji is something invaluable and irreplaceable, and therefore I am deeply moved by the volunteers who take initiative to preserve his precious assets. I believe their efforts must have been and will be extraordinary.

I am sure that Yuji is now watching over us from the other side of the river and would be sincerely grateful for our efforts.

I am also sure that this project is very important for future generation of classical musicians, so that they can study the tradition from these materials. As a musician myself, I would like to support this wonderful, meaningful project.



Rainer Küchl - The former 1st concertmaster of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

  Diethard Leopold(President of Austrian-Japanese Society(ÖJG)) 

<Message (in Deutsch)>

CROWDFUNDING PROJEKT Betreffend die Verlassenschaft von Yuji Yuasa, Dirigent und Pädagoge in Wien
Yuji Yuasa war nicht nur ein begabter Dirigent, sondern vor allem ein hervorragender und leidenschaftlicher Lehrer für Generationen von Musikstudenten und –studentinnen in Japan, international, aber vor allem in seiner Wahlheimatstadt Wien.Tragischerweise ist er plötzlich und allzu früh von uns gegangen: am 17. 12. 2022, 66-jährig. Er blickte noch auf ein längeres Leben und Wirken, und deshalb traf ihn der Tod unvorbereitet in der Fülle seines Lebens. Unglaublich viele Vinylplatten, Cds, andere Tonträger sowie Partituren und viele andere Dokumente sind nach seinem plötzlichen Tod auf uns gekommen. Die schiere Masse an Gegenstäden hat uns zuerst in Panik versetzt, wie man damit einfach materiell-quantitativ zurande kommen könnte, dann aber in eine Planungsphase gestürzt – die nicht lange dauern darf, denn seine Mietwohnung muss demnächst leergeräumt werden.Wir wollen Yuasa Senseis Hinterlassenschaft aufheben, dauerhaft bewahren und einem interessierten Kreis zugänglich machen, damit Yuasa Senseis Intentionen weiterleben können. Dafür müssen wir erstens die Wohnung, die er fürs Leben wie fürs Arbeiten benützt hat, räumen, alle nutzbaren Dinge woanders unterbringen, sowohl temporär wie dann auch dauerhaft, um sie der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung zu stellen.Darüber hinaus ist an eine weitere Vermittlung durch emeritierte Professoren der Wiener Musikuniversitäten an interessierte, werdende DirigentInnen gedacht – Workshops, Seminare, Individualunterricht in dem Rahmen, in dem wir auch Yuasa Senseis Dinge unterbringen.Wir bitten herzlich um materielle Unterstützung bei diesem idealistischen und künstlerischen Vorhaben!


Diethard Leopold


(in English / Summary)


Yuji Yuasa was not only a talented conductor, but above all an outstanding and passionate music teacher. Tragically, he passed away suddenly and all too soon on December 17, 2022, at the age of 66. He had a long career plan ahead of him, so death was totally unexpected for him. After his sudden death, an incredible number of vinyl records, CDs, other sound carriers, scores and many other documents were found. We were overwelmed by the mind boggling amount of music assets, but didn't have enough time since his apartment and belongings were going to be disposed of very soon.
Thourgh this project, we want to save Yuji Yuasa's legacy, preserve it permanently and make it accessible to an interested circle so that Yuji's intentions can live on. Firstly, we need to clear out the apartment, move all usable items elsewhere, and make them available to the public. Secondly, we are also thinking of inviting emeritus professors from Viennese music universities to teach the donators who are studying orchestra-conducting, through workshops, seminars, individual lessons - as the same way as Yuji Yuasa did for his students.














【貴重な音楽資料コース +α】楽譜の公開 +勉強会のご招待

【貴重な音楽資料コース +α】楽譜の公開 +勉強会のご招待

●コアラの会 勉強会(オンラインセミナー)へのご招待




【特別体験ご招待】コアラの会 勉強会 / 座談会へのご招待+絵葉書&演奏動画

【特別体験ご招待】コアラの会 勉強会 / 座談会へのご招待+絵葉書&演奏動画

●コアラの会 座談会へのご招待

●コアラの会 勉強会(オンラインセミナー)へのご招待







●コアラの会 座談会へのご招待
●コアラの会 勉強会(オンラインセミナー)へのご招待




【貴重なグッズコース +α】湯浅先生の遺品(CD・DVD)+ウィーン産ワイン

【貴重なグッズコース +α】湯浅先生の遺品(CD・DVD)+ウィーン産ワイン


●コアラの会 座談会へのご招待
●コアラの会 勉強会(オンラインセミナー)へのご招待




【最上級VIPコース A】ウィーン楽友協会での名門オーケストラコンサート、レオポルド美術館へご招待

【最上級VIPコース A】ウィーン楽友協会での名門オーケストラコンサート、レオポルド美術館へご招待


●コアラの会 座談会へのご招待
●コアラの会 勉強会(オンラインセミナー)へのご招待




【最上級VIPコース B】ウィーン楽友協会での名門オーケストラコンサート、レオポルド美術館へご招待

【最上級VIPコース B】ウィーン楽友協会での名門オーケストラコンサート、レオポルド美術館へご招待


●コアラの会 座談会へのご招待
●コアラの会 勉強会(オンラインセミナー)へのご招待




(For international donator use only)海外支援者専用窓口

(For international donator use only)海外支援者専用窓口

For international donator use only



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