



目標金額 1,000,000円


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2022年12月31日 22:39


ページをご覧いただきありがとうございます、南里 健太と申します。 私と妻と息子の 3 人で暮らしております。 発達障害と言う言葉が世の中に広まりつつはありますが 実際の所子供の発達に不安を感じてから診断がわかるまでのとてつもない不安感や、 何をどう動いたらよいのかわからない状況であり、 ネットの情報ばかりに気を取られる日々がありました。
Thank you for visiting our website. My name is Kenta Nainri. I live in Tokyo, Japan,
Many of you may be familiar with the words " Developmental disability." From when we noticed a difference in our son's condition until his diagnosis with PTLS, we always had indescribable agony. We did not know what to expect and move to, so we desperately looked for tips and were swayed away by the internet information.
そんな子育て中の親御さんの気持ちに、心から寄り添って一緒に考えてくれる場所を作りたい と考えています。だからこそ当事者として思いの強い私たちが児童発達支援事業所を作ること に意味があると思っています。
We aim to create a community where parents have the same agony. It would be meaningful to us to make a place for children with special needs because we have a child with a developmental disability and strong feelings about them.
Developmental disability support institute(center)? 児童発達支援事業所とは 障害発達支援の一つで、小学校就学前の6歳までの療育の観点から支援が必要であると 認められてた手帳の観点の有無は問わず、児童相談所、保健センター、医師等により療 育の必要性が認められた児童が主に通う施設です。
A place for children with developmental disabilities, whom physicians, public health centers, or public child guidance centers confirm regardless of whether a child is certified.
After school daycare 放課後等デイサービスは
6 歳~18 歳までの障がいのあるお子さんや発達に特性のあるお子さんが、放課後や夏 休みなどの長期休暇に利用できる福祉サービスです。 個別の発達支援や集団活動を通 して、家と学校以外の居場所やお友だちをつくることができるので“障がい児の学童”と も表現されます。
The support service is for children from six to eighteen with developmental disabilities who need special care. It opens after school hours and during long breaks such as summer break. It can be named "After school daycare with special needs." Children can make friends through individual and group activities.
Our story 事業所を立ち上げようと考えた経緯
2017 年 12 月誕生 ようやく会えた我が子はとてもかわいく大きな泣き声で元気いっぱいに誕生 しました。しかし出産直後から哺乳力の弱さや両手指の異常、聴力スクリーニングによる難聴

疑い等、様々なトラブルがありました。当初先天性異常等や大きな疾患は見当たらなかった 為、経過観察と成長に伴う治療で不安な日々を過ごしたことを覚えています 。
In December 2017. My wife and I finally welcomed our long-awaited son, Taichi, to the world. He was born full of energy. However, soon after his birth, we faced some difficulties, such as his low suck-swallow breastmilk ability and infant trigger finger for both hands. In addition, the physician told us that our son might have an auditory problem. My wife and I were anxious and feared for our first son's health for a while. The specialists didn't find any abnormalities at the time, so we couldn't do anything other than worry.
Even though Taichi's development is significantly slower compared to other children, it is hard to see just by looking, which made us even more worried. In addition, there was only one place we could talk about our son. Since our son has slow growth, we could not do developmental sharing with other parents and the developmental gap between Taichi and other children made us feel isolated from others.
障がい児の親となり、子供の未来を考えた時、児童発達支援事業、就労支援、グルー プホーム、生活介護の事業者、事業所を増やしていきたいと強く思いました。
10 年後 20 年後、親が先に亡くなる事を考えた時、このまま今の仕事を続けて生きてい くよりも、福祉、保育、教育、医療関係の人たちとのつながりを深め、 環境つくりに残りの人生を費やしたほうが、きっと息子の為になると考えたからです。 When we recognize our son's developmental dificulty and think about his future, we ponder about children with disabilities needing support, places to learn, work, group homes, and support workers.
It is inevitable that parents will die before their children. My wife and I determined that we prefer spending the rest of our lives creating an ideal community for children with special needs and their future than working as office workers. Along with welfare, education, and healthcare so that way my son can live a better life within a community.
まずは、息子の為に Everything is for our son.
心から 心地良い未来ある居場所づくりをしたいと思っています。

自分が先にこの世を去る事を考えた時、福祉事業に携わって生きる事で、このままの生 活を続けていくよりも、より沢山の専門家の人とのつながり、そして安心を残してあげ られるのでは?そう強く思いました。
We sincerely want to create a nestling and hopeful place for special needs children. It is inevitable that parents will die before their children. My wife and I determined that we prefer spending the rest of our lives creating an ideal community for children with special needs and their future than working as office workers. Along with welfare, education, and healthcare so that way my son can live a better life within a community. And for families with the same concerns as us and their future!
また、同様にお子さんの発達に問題を抱えていたお父さんが立ち上げた事業所に話を伺 い、お会いし、やりがいや気持ちに非常に賛同でき、自分もやらなければと思いまし た。
In addition, we could connect and talk to a family that has a child with developmental issues similar to our son. The family owns the children's support business that we are challenging. We agreed with their work ethic and the things that they are given, making an excellent place for their community.
先述した通り、障害を抱えているお子さんを育てている親御さんは大きな不安を抱えな がら相談出来る場所も限られ、孤独を感じ日々育児に追われています。
As I described previously, parents who have a disabled child have only limited places to counsel and face severe parenting anxiety every day.
自身のことで言えば、一歳半を迎える我が子が立ちも歩きもしないどころか、ハイハイ や座ることさえも出来ない状況下だった頃、療育という扉を開けるきっかけを掴むまで 随分苦労しました。それは言葉では表現し難い不安と恐怖です。
From my experience, when my son was about to be 18month old,
he wasn't even sitting or clawing. I have been through extremely challenging times until I learned there is support and an educational system for children with developmental delays and disabilities. It is speechless insecurity of feeling and fear.
心できる居場所を作りたい! そう強く思った事が大きな理由です。
We have been witnessed and studied knowing the gravity of starting early educational therapy for children with special needs. We want to create a community for parents with parental anxieties and a nestle for their children! This is why I want to start a business. 近隣の事業所を沢山見学し、連絡をしましたが、どこも受入困難でありました。また予 約待機もしてもらえない所もありました。
I took tours and contacted many therapy places, but many are already full and not even on a waiting list.

事業所立ち上げまでの苦悩 Distress we faced until today まずは今までサービス業界にでしか働いた事のない私達夫婦が事業所をつくり、生活が成り立 っていくのか、が問題としてありました。とにかく、情報収集の日々でした。日々をこなして いく中数々のセミナーを受けました。実際に事業所を立ち上げられた方との打ち合わせや相談 の機会もたくさん頂き、地域の事業所の見学相談も何件も足を運びました。 うまくいく事もあれば、そうではない事も多く、役所への相談や協力依頼はたらい回し状態に もなりました。また、資金面での心配も非常にありました。(それは現在もですが...) 共働きの為、仕事、育児、家事はもちろん、療育、開業の為の勉強... 希少難病の為、海外の家族会とのやりとり、とにかく時間に追われる日々が続きまし た。My primary concern about starting a business was that my wife and I had worked only in the customer service field. We are worried that we can manage it and work it out in our daily lives.
I gathered as much information as possible regardlessly and attended many seminars. My wife and I had opportunities to have meetings with the business owner of the daycare for children with learning disabilities and took tours to many local child support facilities. These meetings and consultations sometimes went well, but many times were not undesirable. And I had turned away from another department to another when I called for help from the local government office.
Also, even now, we are worried about the economic aspect. Because My wife and I both work, daily work, take care of our son, in addition to studying to start a business and early childhood intervention. I was always pressed for time every day because our son has a rare disease; I was gathering as much information as possible, even families who have children with the same conditions as our son has.
障がい児を抱えた親御さんの沢山の訴えや思いが、現在の児童福祉の仕組みとなっています。 だからこそ、いまこそ当事者である 私たちが立ち上がり 声をあげ 取り組み さらに仕組みを より良くしていきたい!と思うようになりました。
Parents create the current child welfare system for disabled children. Because of that, we want to stand up and advocate for society to develop a better welfare system for children.
プロジェクトの内容 (The contents of the project) 支援金は児童発達支援事業所の開業費の一部にしたいと思ってます。
The fund will be a part of opening business expenses that support an educational center for children who need help with their developmental difficulties. 発達に不安を抱えた親御さんが気軽に相談できるような事業所にしていきたいです。 さらに子供たちが毎日いきたい!と思ってもらえる場所にしたいです!
For parents who have concerns with their children's developmental issues, we aim to create an atmosphere where parents easily talk to and where children cannot wait to come every day.

当事者だから伝えられる思いがあり、真摯に児童と保護者様に対して寄り添った支援 ができる!Because we have been through the same path, we can support parents and their children's concerns and expectations!
また、当事者だからこそ持てた専門機関との横の繋がりを生かして、自分たちの手に及 ばない部分でもサポート、アドバイスができる事も強みとなります。
Also, we can utilize the connections such as; specialists in the healthcare system, expertized information and other daycare for disabled children. That way, we can advise parents with the same circumstances, which is advantageous for us.
Free developmental support with small children with disabilities. ( From 3 to 5 years old)
From age 3 to 5 years old children with disabilities are granted free developmental support since October 1, 2019.
Social welfare service recipient certificate of childcare and after school service. The household who are Residence tax free ¥0
Annual household income up to ¥ 8,900,000 over ¥ 8,900,000
️施設名 hitonowa (ヒトノワ)仮 住所未定練馬板橋近隣予定 開業日2023年8月予定
Monthly¥46,000 ¥37,200
多機能型事業所 〜多機能型事業所とは、障害児通所支援(児童発達支援、医療型児童 発達支援、放課後等デイサービス、保育所等訪問支援)及び障害福祉サービス事業のう ち、2以上の事業を一体的に行う事業所のことをいいます。
物件取得費用 300 万 内装工事費用 300 万 車両購入費用 200 万 備品購入費用等 200 万 運転資金 800 万
最低合計 1800 万が必要です。
応援メッセージ紹介 (Supporting messages) 山本俊至 ( Sience of Genetics PhD, Toshiyuki Yamamoto)

東京女子医科大学大学院医学研究科先端生命医科学系専攻遺伝子医 学分野/東京女子医科大学ゲノム診療科・教授 「国の難病政策の1つとして指定難病制度があります。ただし、この制度は医療費の一 部が助成されるにすぎません。まして指定難病になっていない疾患においてはその医療 費助成すら対象にはなりません。私どもは、このようなまだ指定難病になっていない染 色体微細構造異常を対象とした研究事業を行っています。この活動によって多少の患者 支援をさせていただいているとは言え、医療・福祉の体制を当事者の方々の満足いくレ ベルにするには力不足であることを認めざるを得ません。こうした中、南里さんは当事 者として自助努力で現状を打破しようとされており、頭が下がる思いです。このプロジ ェクトが成功することを願ってなりません。皆さまのお力添えをお願い致します。」 Tokyo Women's Medical University, Graduate School of Medical Science, Advanced Life Science and Medicine of Gene./
One of the Government countermeasures for the intractable disease is the designated intractable disease system.
However, this system only covers a part of medical expenses. Moreover, the conditions have yet to be designated by the government, and these diseases are not even subject to them.
My team has been researching the microstructure of chromosome aberration of those undesignated intractable diseases. Although our team supports these patients, not enough help satisfies people in healthcare and the welfare system.Under the circumstances, Mr. and Mrs. Nanri are challenged to create a better system of their own. They admire me. I sincerely hope this project will be successful and ask everyone for generous support.
川口耕一( Kouichi Kawaguchi)
一般財団法人健やか親子支援協会 専務理事
南里さんご夫婦は、息子さんが Potocki-Lupski 症候群に罹患され、それをきっかけとし て、同じ病気に罹患している仲間に声がけし、最近、患者会を設立されました。国内で 7 例しか診断されていないとのことですが、まだまだこの疾患のことが知れ渡っていな いため、未診断の方がおられる可能性も充分あり、声がけをされても見つけにくい状況 の様です。お二人は、息子さんの将来を考えて、少しでも難病の方々を取り巻く状況を 変えていきたいと奮闘されておられます。そしてこの度、児童発達支援+放課後等デイ サービス事業所の開業を準備しておられ、その熱意に心よりエールをお送りします。 息子さんと同じように、病気を抱えながら頑張っている子ども達とご家族が笑顔でいら れる社会を実現するために、是非とも皆様のお力で夢が形になるよう、ご協力をお願い いたします。
The general incorporation foundation of the director of parents supports the
Mr. and Mr. Nanri have a son with PTLS( Potocki-Lupski syndrome), and they have connected to other parents who have children with PTLS. Also, they recently started a foundation for PTLS children's parents. PTLS is a rare disease; there are only seven children cases in Japan. Because not many people know about this disease, it is
possible there could be many more people suffering from PTLS., and it is hard to distinguish this condition

Mr. and Mrs. Nanri are thinking about their son's future, and fighting against today's intractable disease system to create a better environment for people with the intractable disease.
At this time, they are attempting to start a business for children with developmental disabilities. I would like to send cheering for their passion from my heart.
Children suffering from conditions and diseases as the Mr. and Mrs. Nanri’s son, I like to ask for everyone's generous offer to create a society where children will need exceptional support and their families will be happy.
森 康隆( Yasutaka Mori) 地元友人(Close Friend) この事業を語る健太の真っ直ぐさに心を打たれました。 息子さんへの愛から始まったこの事業は尊く、必ず成功すると思います。 心の底から応援しています!
I was highly impressed by Kenta's passion when he talked about the business that he is challenging. The motive power of this project is love for his son, which is precious. This project will succeed.
I am a hundred percent behind their back from the bottom of my heart!
齊藤 博晃 ( Hiroaki Saitou)
株式会社サイドアイ 代表取締役社長
Side Eye Corporation CEO 埼玉県内で児童発達支援・放課後等デイサービス「ヒトツナ」を運営しております株式 会社サイドアイの齊藤と申します。南里さんご夫婦との出会いは、「ヒトツナさんは、 発達障害児の親が立ち上げた施設だと聞き、ぜひ見学したい」とお電話を頂いたことが キッカケでした。自分自身も息子が 3 歳の特に発達の遅れを指摘され、児童発達支援事 業所を使ってきたのですが、その経験から自分の思いで事業所を作りたいと考えるよう になり、2019 年に創業いたしました。ですので今南里さんの志には大変共感し、成功 して頂きたいという気持ちで開業のサポートをさせて頂いております。南里さんの思い が形になりますように応援しています。
My name is Hiroaki Saitou, and my company operates daycare and afterschool care services for children with developmental disabilities. The Nanri couple and I started our relationship when Mr. Nanri told me they wanted to tour our facility.
My son was diagnosed with a developmental delay when he was three years old. From my experience, sending my son to childcare for disabled children made me want to start a childcare business of my own. And I established a childcare facility in 2019.
I support them because I sympathize with the Nanri couple's passion and want them to be successful. I send cheering to them that their passion comes true.
プロジェクトの展望・ビジョン The outlook of the project and the vision 障がい児を育児しているご家族は非常に生きづらい世の中であると知って頂きたいです 私自身も、当事者になるまではわからなかった事が沢山あります。色々と考えることも 増え、精神的に不安定にもなります。

I want you to know the reality for parents of children with disabilities. It is extremely hard to live in society, and they have anxiety due to many concerns for their children. I would never know many things if my son wasn't disabled.
そのような方の支援ができる。 心から相手の気持ちに寄り添った支援ができる。 将来的に息子の為にもなる。
I want to support these families.
And I want to help them from the bottom of my heart.
Most importantly, it will be helpful for their children's future.
こんな素晴らしい事業所を、もし今やらなければ、きっと人生のどこかで必ず後悔をする日が きてしまうと感じてます。 ゆくゆくは就労支援事業やグループホームなど、困った人たちへの支援ができる会社にしてい きたいと考えております。 さらには、今の社会の仕組みを、少しでも良い方向にいくように声を出して行きたいと思って ます
If I did not have such a great project, I would regret it for the rest of my life. My ultimate goal is for the childcare facility to turn into support for employment and a group home for people with disabilities. I want to change today's system of society in a better direction, even if slightly.
今年 6 月に Potcki-Lupski 症候群とわかり、日本に 7 症例しかない希少難病と知り、治 療方法がない中、途方にくれている中で、ダメもとで論文を出されていた東京女子医科 大学の先生にメールをしてみた所、力を貸して下さると言っていただけました。 また、中々機会がなく、職場や友人に話せていなかったのですが、中学時代からの親友 数名に悩みを打ち明けられた時、どこか気持ちが晴れ、さらに背中を押してくれる言葉 を受けて、立ち上がる決意と勇気がでました!
My son was diagnosed with Potocki-Lupski syndrome (PTLS) in June of 2022. When I know, there are identified seven cases of this rare genetic disease in Japan, and currently, there is no treatment for this condition. I felt lost and hopeless. But I gave it a try to send an email to Ph.D. Yamamoto at Tokyo Women's Medical University responded to me with a positive reaction and supported us.
I have not been able to discuss starting a business with my work and friends. When I talked to my close friends who grew up together, they accepted and encouraged me. That is why I was motivated and decided to start a new career!
ここまで読んでいただき本当にありがとうございます。事業所の開業に向けて日々勉強 と行動をしております 。
思えば 18 歳の頃から 23 年間 料理の世界一筋で生きて参りました。ちょっと違った形で はありますが、子供や保護者の方が居心地の良い、癒される施設の開業をすることで、地域の 貢献にも繋がります。新しい夢ができました。
Thank you very much for reading my post. I am educating myself to start a business daily. Looking back, I have worked in the culinary industry for twenty-three-years, since I

was eighteen. This is unexpectedly changing my career; however, this is my dream that makes children and their parents happy and supports the local community.
Please help us with your generous support! どうかあたたかいご支援をお願い申し 上げます!
本クラウドファンディングでは、プロジェクト履行のために(許認可・資格等名称)の (資格・許可・認可・登録・届出・免許等)が必要となります。 現在、既に(資格取得・許可申請・認可取得・登録・届出・免許取得等)の手続きを進 めており、本プロジェクト実施である 2023 年 8 月 1 日までには、(資格取得・許可申 請・認可取得・登録・届出・免許取得等)の見込みが立っております。(2022 年 11 月 25 日現在)
This fundraising requires authorizations such as; name of qualifications, qualification, permitted certification, registration, driver's license to perform the project.
We are currently in the process of obtaining the business license, authorization, permission, registration, and application. We expect to receive these qualifications until August 2023. (An estimation of November 25, 2022)
★ 上記について許認可の名称等を記載いただくようお願いいたします。
★Please fill out the name of the authorization. 児童福祉法に基づく放課後等デイサービス事業について、厚生労働省が策定した「放課 後等デイサービスガイドライン」で定める支援を基本に、質の高いサービスの実施を推 進することを目的とする。
★Please fill out the name of the authorization.
According to the Child Welfare Act of after school and daycare, and based on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare guidelines, we aim to provide high-quality servic We would like to use the funds to establish the business on December 27, 2022. Needed expenses We estimated and will need at least ¥18,000,000 for this project, and we plan to borrow from financial institutions.
-Property fee ¥3,000,000
-Renovation fee ¥3,000,000
-Supplies for the facility fee ¥ 2,000,000
-Company car ¥2,000,000
-Operation fee ¥ 8,000,000
リスク&チャレンジ Risks and Challenges
プロジェクトを実施する上で必要になる資格や許認可について 東京都認可 2023 年 4 月予定 プロジェクトを実施する上でのリスクについて
物件検索中 2022 年 8 月開業目標

プロジェクトに必要な金額と目標金額の差額について 差額は自己資金と金融機関にて借入相談といたします。 To enact this project requiring
ビデオの訳 -Until we found out PTLS-
2017年12月待望の第一子が誕生いたしました。生まれてすぐに哺乳力の弱さ、両 手指の異常、聴力検査による難聴疑いなど、様々な心配がありました。当初は先天性異 常等見つからなかった為経過観察と言われ不安な日々を過ごしていました。
On December 27, 2017, the long-awaited firstborn finally came out to the world. We named him "Taichi."
Soon after his birth, we faced some difficulties, such as his low
suck-swallow breastmilk ability and infant trigger finger for both
hands. In addition, the physician told us that our son might have an auditory problem. My husband and I were anxious and feared for our first baby's health for a while. However, the specialists didn't find any abnormalities at the time so we couldn't do anything but worry.
At his 18-month-old physical check-ups, he could not sit alone, crawl, point out objects, be not interested in play toys, nor talk a word. At that point, We started to believe something was not right with this tiny son's body compared to others.
We had a tremendously hard time finding specialists with these
problems and eventually met a doctor who specialized an hour away from our home.
定期的に通い療育を受けましたが結論としては様子見でした。二年ほどして息子が三歳 半過ぎに検査入院となり、四歳半になった今年6月に希少難病である Potocki-Lupski 症 候群とわかりました。現代の医学では治療方法がないこと、日本には7症例しかないこ と、指定難病にも登録されておらず情報が殆どない状況でした。
We periodically took our son to therapy. However, we were told to look closely at him without specific diagnostics again. At three and a half years old, he was hospitalized for testing. About a year later, Taichi was diagnosed with one of the rare diseases called" Potocki- Lupski syndrome." (Often abbreviated to PTLS.) Currently, there is no specific treatment for this condition, and there are only seven cases of this syndrome in Japan. However, PTLS is NOT on the Japanese incurable disease list. Also, there are only pieces of information.

また、就学にあたり近隣の児童発達支援、放課後等デイサービスも定員が一杯で入れな い。更には待機登録もできない状況と知りました。そこからは、様々な場所に足を運び たくさんの意見を聞き、自分たちで事業所を作れないかを必死に調べました。 Moreover, now he is about to start schooling. We found out there are limited capacities for local child developmental support centers and afterschool services for special needs children. Typically they are already filled, and We cannot even be on the waiting list. We have visited numerous places and spent many days researching to make this significant decision as parents, for people in the same situations as us, and, most importantly, for children who need extra care
これまでの自身の経験を活かして困っている子供たちと親御さんの力にもなれると思 い、夫婦で力を合わせて事業所の立ち上げを決意いたしました。どうか、暖かいご支援 をお願い申し上げます。
Based on our experience, my husband and I finally launched the support institute for disabled children. We respectfully ask your generosity to help us to start this journey for children where to learn and have a chance to grow. We need your generous support.
ここまで読んで下さった皆様へ(For everyone who has read our page)
こんなにも、心の底から自分で立ちあがろうとした事はありませんでした。 息子の事で悩み始めてから約 4 年間 コロナ禍もあり、暗闇の中を歩いているような心持ちで過ごしておりました。 そんな我々が今日に至るまで幸せに過ごせてきたのは、家族・友人をはじめ療育・医療 の現場で支えて下さった先生方 同じ病気に立ち向かい気持ちを共有してくれる家族の皆様 そして現在通っている保育園の先生や保護者の皆様やお友達 書ききれませんが息子を理解し支えてくださっている全ての方のおかげです。
We had never felt this urgency to do something in my life. It has been about four and a half years since we started worrying about our son Taichi and in addition to the COVID- 19 Pandemic, we felt like living in a dark place.
Despite circumstances, we have been supported by wonderful people, families, friends, doctors, therapists, families who have children with PTLS, our son's daycare teachers, and everyone who understands our situation. And we are sincerely grateful for their assistance.
と思わせてくれたのは 想像し得なかった優しさと愛情を下さった皆様のおかげに他な
本来ならば恩返しを皆様へ とするべきところではございますが

Throughout our son, we have learned about different worlds and communities we never knew, and all our supporters pushed our backs to stand up and make our way. We kindly ask you all to support us to start this journey.
So we can return the favor to society by helping parents who agonize about their children's future.
So we can return the favor to society by helping parents who agonize about their children's future.




















































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