目標金額 3,000,000円
- 寄付者
- 122人
- 募集終了日
- 2024年1月28日
How to Support by Credit Card(English)
Thank you so much for being interested in this project. This page explains how to support our project.
If you enable Google Translate, the Japanese page will appear in English and other languages.
Link ▶https://readyfor.jp/projects/tsunagaru2023
Support procedures are listed below the table.
Click on the amount to proceed to donate to the project
title |
Content |
Amount of money |
●Donation Receipt *The date written on the donation receipt is March 2024, the date of the payment from READYFOR to Kumamoto University. In addition, shipping is scheduled until the end of April 2024. ●Thank you email
●Donation Receipt *The date written on the donation receipt is March 2024, the date of the payment from READYFOR to Kumamoto University. In addition, shipping is scheduled until the end of April 2024. ●Thank you email ●Your name will be posted on the program-specific homepage (optional) ●Business report (pdf)
Priority invitation course to the symposium |
●Donation receipt ●Thank you email *This event will be held in Kumamoto Prefecture by March 2025. Details such as location and schedule will be communicated approximately two months before the event. Donors are responsible for paying transportation costs to the venue.
Priority invitation to the symposium & invitation to a social meeting with staff after the symposium |
●Donation Receipt *The date written on the donation receipt is March 2024, the date of the payment from READYFOR to Kumamoto University. In addition, shipping is scheduled until the end of April 2024.(*For the 1 million yen course only, donation receipts are scheduled to be shipped in May 2024.) ●Thank you email ●Your name will be posted on the program website (optional) ●Business report (pdf)
※please note
・Only courses marked with [Donation deduction available] are eligible for donation deduction (tax benefits).
・Once support is completed, we cannot accept cancellations, refunds, or course changes. Please read the details and notes for each course carefully before supporting us.
・We welcome your support for multiple courses at the same time (or at different times).
・All tours and experience-based courses will meet and disband on-site. Please pay your own transportation expenses. In addition, we will inform supporters of the specific schedule after the crowdfunding ends, but please understand that we cannot cancel or refund even if you are unable to participate.
・The permanent exhibition admission ticket you receive has an expiration date.
・For details on the conditions regarding returns, please also check the "Notes regarding returns".
Thank you very much!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
- 申込数
- 35
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2024年4月
- 申込数
- 63
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2024年4月
- 申込数
- 35
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2024年4月
- 申込数
- 63
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2024年4月
- 現在
- 7,301,000円
- 寄付者
- 231人
- 残り
- 2日
岡山県 浄土宗誕生寺|法然上人生誕の地を、皆様と共に守り次世代へ。
- 現在
- 375,000円
- 支援者
- 17人
- 残り
- 45日
- 現在
- 1,240,000円
- 支援者
- 93人
- 残り
- 45日
- 現在
- 351,000円
- 支援者
- 38人
- 残り
- 76日
- 現在
- 238,000円
- 支援者
- 16人
- 残り
- 45日
- 現在
- 412,000円
- 支援者
- 29人
- 残り
- 76日
- 現在
- 379,000円
- 寄付者
- 32人
- 残り
- 19日