目標金額 12,000,000円
- 寄付者
- 305人
- 募集終了日
- 2022年3月31日
How to Support by Credit Card(English)
Thank you so much for being interested in this project. This page explains the donation process in English.
If you enable Google Translate, the Japanese page will appear in English and other languages.
* The donations are not eligible for deductions.
* The donation receipt will not be issued.
①Link ▶https://readyfor.jp/projects/ncnp_aitbs
②Click the red button to begin registration.
③Please make your account on the registration page.
*1 Please choose either to:
Register by Facebook account
*2 Register by email address
If you choose to register by email address,fill in your information.
*1 Username
*2 Email address
*3 Password
*4 Show your password
*5 Subscribe to the READYFOR newsletter (in Japanese only)
*6 Check (to prove “I’m not a robot”)
*7 Register
④Please check your email and access the website to confirm your email address.
⑤Please choose a donation course from the right side of the page.
※Please choose the 3,000 yen(①),10,000 yen(②), 30,000 yen(③),50,000 yen(④), 100,000 yen(⑥), 300,000 yen(⑧), 500,000 yen(⑩), or 1,000,000 yen(⑫) course.
Other courses are not available for supporters living overseas.
*1 Selected course
*2 Quantity
(30,000 yen)Would it be alright if we publish research report ( for contributors ) with your name? - Yes(希望する)or No(希望しない)
(over 50,000 yen)Would it be alright if we publish research report ( for contributors ) with your name? - Yes(希望する)or No(希望しない)
Would it be alright if we make presentations at the conference with your name ( as a part of acknowledgements )? - Yes(希望する)or No(希望しない)
*1 Total amount of payment
*2 Payment method
*3 credit card
*4 bank transfer (not available from overseas)
*5 Next page
⑥Please fill in your credit card information.
*1 credit card information
*2 accepted card types
*3 credit card number
*4 expiration date(mm/yy)
*5 security code
⑦Please fill in your address.
※Your personal information (name, phone number, etc.) is kept only for administrative purposes. We won't send anything to your address.
*1 Name (Family/First)
*2 Postal code ※Please enter 000 0000 for the postal code.
*3 Prefecture ※Please select その他 (=Other) for the prefecture.
*4 Country or State
*5 Street name, apartment, etc
*6 Phone number ※Please enter 10 or 11-digit number.
*7 Next page
⑧Please confirm your choice.
*1 Total amount
*1 Your address
*2 Questionnaire
*3 Are you an acquaintance of the host of this project?
*4 Receive project updates
*5 Subscribe to the READYFOR newsletter (in Japanese only)
*6 confirm
⑨ Would you please leave a supporting message?
*1 Thank you for your support!
*2 Please write your message here(This would appear on the comment section of the project page)
*3 Do NOT include any personal information in the message.
*4 Click here to send your message
*5 later
*6 Message in Japanese meaning “good luck” would be posted automatically
Thank you very much!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
- 申込数
- 195
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2022年7月
(2023年12月までに計2回 メール配信)
- 申込数
- 86
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2023年12月
- 申込数
- 195
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2022年7月
(2023年12月までに計2回 メール配信)
- 申込数
- 86
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2023年12月
- 現在
- 42,204,000円
- 支援者
- 1,897人
- 残り
- 8日
- 現在
- 13,814,000円
- 寄付者
- 815人
- 残り
- 51日
難病「多発性嚢胞腎」 新規治療薬開発の基礎研究に対するご支援を
- 現在
- 13,415,000円
- 寄付者
- 467人
- 残り
- 7日
- 総計
- 178人
- 現在
- 619,000円
- 寄付者
- 31人
- 残り
- 51日
- 現在
- 2,339,000円
- 寄付者
- 39人
- 残り
- 83日
- 現在
- 797,000円
- 寄付者
- 134人
- 残り
- 68日