目標金額 15,000,000円
- 支援者
- 565人
- 募集終了日
- 2022年3月31日
(English)How to Support by Credit Card
The Jisso-in Temple, located in Iwakura, Rakuhoku, Kyoto, is a Monzeki temple with a history of about 800 years. As many of you know it for its vast rock garden "the heart garden" and the view of maple leaves reflected on the floor "the red leaf floor".
The Jisso-in Temple, which has never had any Buddhist-parishioners, has relied on only admission fees as its source of income. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic the number of visitors has decreased dramatically and the situation has been difficult for almost a year and six months.
It is necessary to have the ongoing restoration in order to protect our valuable historical cultural property and beautiful gardens for future generations.
However, it is becoming difficult to come up with the finances to run the temple.
This is why we have decided to raise funds through crowdfunding. With your support, we can build a foundation that will preserve the cultural property and the history for the next few hundred years.
Thank you for your warm support.
The Jisso-in Temple was founded in 1229 by a priest named 静基 (Joki), the grandson of Motomichi Konoe, and has a history of about 800 years. Originally the temple was built in 紫野 (Murasakino), near the Imamiya Shrine, but was later moved to the side of the Imperial Palace and then to the present location of Iwakura to avoid the Onin War.
Monzeki were temples where people of aristocratic or imperial lineage.
The head of the temple is sometimes called as the Monzeki. (The Ninna-ji Temple, where was founded by Emperor Uda , was the first Monzeki temple.)
The Jisso-in Temple was rebuilt by 原逸峰 (Ippo Hara) in 1985, and the neglected garden and the building have been repeatedly repaired.
Then, the symbolic "the red leaf floor" was born and became very popular and the number of visitors gradually increased so now made it possible to run the temple on its own.
The building of the temple was moved from the Omiya Palace in 1721 and now is becoming dilapidated. Over the past 30 years, we has already repaired the gates and other parts of the building many times, but it has been difficult for restoration of the main structure.
The building is registered as a national cultural property, but unfortunately it has not been designated as an important cultural property. As a result, we have to raise the repairing cost by ourselves.
"The red leaf floor" of the Jisso-in Temple has been broadcasted many times on NHK's "Ohayo Nippon".
In recent years, the Jisso-in Temple has been introduced in detail on Fuji Television's "Osamu Hayashi's Nippon Drill" and just recently was a shooting place for Nippon Television's "Waratte Koraete!New Year's Special".
Through these activities a lot of people are fascinated our temple.
Your donation will be used for essential maintenance to ensure the temple remained in good condition.
Your kind support help us to build a foundation that will preserve the cultural property and the history for the next few hundred years.
Thank you.
Thank you for your interest in this project. This page explains how to support our project from computer. Please refer to the following page for details about this crowdfunding challenge.
① Click here for registration
② Registration
③ Please check your e-mail box and access the website to confirm your e-mail address.
④ Click here and Choose the amount of donation with rewards
⑤ Fll in the information of your credit card
⑥ Fill in address/ information
⑦ Confirmation of your choice
⑧ Write a message to the project
(shown in “comment section of project page)
DO NOT post any personal information on the message.
Thank you so much!
- 申込数
- 117
- 在庫数
- 3
- 発送完了予定月
- 2022年6月
●実相院の写真集 1冊 or 実相院のDVD+カード 1セット
- 申込数
- 128
- 在庫数
- 72
- 発送完了予定月
- 2022年6月
- 申込数
- 117
- 在庫数
- 3
- 発送完了予定月
- 2022年6月
●実相院の写真集 1冊 or 実相院のDVD+カード 1セット
- 申込数
- 128
- 在庫数
- 72
- 発送完了予定月
- 2022年6月
- 現在
- 40,827,000円
- 支援者
- 1,826人
- 残り
- 13日
春岳院|天下人の右腕 豊臣秀長の菩提寺を未来へ。本堂修繕にご支援を
- 現在
- 8,280,000円
- 支援者
- 399人
- 残り
- 6時間
- 現在
- 7,618,000円
- 支援者
- 395人
- 残り
- 34日
- 現在
- 732,000円
- 支援者
- 81人
- 残り
- 14日
岡山県 浄土宗誕生寺|法然上人生誕の地を、皆様と共に守り次世代へ。
- 現在
- 625,000円
- 支援者
- 24人
- 残り
- 42日
- 現在
- 381,000円
- 支援者
- 42人
- 残り
- 73日
- 現在
- 449,000円
- 支援者
- 64人
- 残り
- 42日