目標金額 460,000円
- 支援者
- 62人
- 募集終了日
- 2021年9月6日


- 現在
- 1,213,000円
- 寄付者
- 118人
- 残り
- 14日

能登半島地震/豪雨 | 買って応援!輪島のお店復興で住民が集う街へ

- 現在
- 1,091,000円
- 支援者
- 126人
- 残り
- 40日


- 現在
- 2,531,000円
- 寄付者
- 105人
- 残り
- 14日


- 総計
- 33人


- 総計
- 22人

「ちいさな音楽家サポーター」プログラム マンスリー(毎月寄付)会員

- 総計
- 71人

変幻する音楽会|2/23 サテライト公演 in NAHAにご支援を

- 現在
- 1,730,000円
- 支援者
- 36人
- 残り
- 14日
My name is Satoko Matsuyama, and I am the producer for this recording project. I mainly work as a pianist and supporter of art in all its forms. I received the scores of this string quartet and quintet a few years ago, and always intended to record these two pieces someday, but due to circumstances and timing issues, it is only now that the stars have aligned and we are able to devote ourselves to this project. All of us involved sincerely hope that you will support us in our effort to fund this recording by crowdfunding. Thank you!
ジャズピアニスト Johnny Todd氏による弦楽四重奏曲、ジャズトランペッター 故 Neil Stalnaker氏による五重奏曲のデジタル音源を初めて聴いた時、衝撃を受けました。Johnny氏の日本をテーマにした作品はとてもモダンで、美しいハーモニーとリズムは日本古来の”和”と現代的な感覚の両方を感じられます。Neil氏の五重奏曲は、宇宙で闇を照らす強い光のように神々しく深い世界です。
2017年から故Neil氏と共にアートの展示などで活動してまいりました”ALMO Studio”は、生前より将来的に友人アーティストを含めたアートや音楽のCreative Studioとしての活動を希望していたこともあり、今回ALMO Studioから発信させて頂きます。
About the reason for starting the project.
It came as something of a surprise when I first heard – as a software/digital/MIDI performance – the string quartet by jazz pianist Johnny Todd, and the quintet by the late jazz trumpeter Neil Stalnaker. Johnny’s Japanese-themed works are very modern, with beautiful harmonies and rhythms, conveying a sense of both ancient Japanese "wa" (和), and a very modern sensibility.Neil’s quintet conveys a profound world; a strong, divine light that illuminates the darkness of the universe.Sadly, Neil passed away last year, and Johnny, who will be 85 this year, is fighting cancer. It is my fervent wish to record these works soon. To which end I have enlisted the help of an old friend from high school and university, and commenced the project as soon as we received permission to make the recording. It has been most rewarding to get to know the performers on this project and I am grateful for their cooperation.Since 2017, Neil exhibited his artworks under the “production company” name "ALMO Studio". It was Neil’s wish that ALMO Studio survive as a creative forum for friends, like-minded artists and composers, and it is for this reason that I chose to place the current project under the auspices of ALMO.
Project Detail
1, レコーディング曲 Recording songs
String Quartet Composed by Johnny Todd
Tokyo Suite 1 Overture
Tokyo Suite 2 Tokyo Style
Tokyo Suite 3 Kaminari Mon
Tokyo Suite 4 Contemplations
Tokyo Suite 5 Edogawa Blues
Tokyo Suite 6 Scherzo
Tokyo Suite 7 After Hours
Tokyo Suite 8 Roppongi Night
String Quintet Composed by Neil Stalnaker
Twilight Is Now
〜Message from Johnny Todd〜
This suite of pieces for string quartet is a reflection on my life in Tokyo. It opens with an overture which portrays the busy bustle and positive attitude of the citizens of "Edo". "Tokyo Style" continues to portray the ancient and ultra modern aspects of the city. "Kaminari Mon" depicts the gate at Sensoji temple in Asakusa, a symbol of the city and "Contemplations" reflects on the inner meaning of the temple. "Edogawa Blues" is a tribute to my "home town". "Scherzo" is a light hearted romp throughout the city. "After Hours" shows a different aspect of Tokyo when the sun goes down.
"Roppongi Night" concludes the suite with all the energy of Tokyo's "playground at night".
この弦楽四重奏のための組曲は、私の東京での生活を反映しています。 ”江戸” 市民の賑やかさと前向きな姿勢を描いた序曲 「Overture」で始まり、「Tokyo Style」は、街の古代と超現代的な側面を描いています。「Kaminari Mon」は浅草の街のシンボル、浅草寺の門を描きました。「Comtemplations」(黙想)は寺院の内面にある意味合いを捉え表しています。「Edogawa Blues」は私の ”故郷” へのオマージュです。「Scherzo」は陽気に騒いでいる街中です。「After Hours」は陽が沈む時の東京の別の側面を表しています。「Roppongi Night」では東京の”夜の遊び場” のエネルギーを描き、組曲を締めくくります。
▶︎ デジタル音源の一部をご紹介します。 I will introduce a part of degital sound source.
「Tokyo Suite」より”Roppongi Night” "Scherzo"(Clip by Johnny Todd)
”Twilight Is Now"
2. 日程
Oct, 2021~ Nov, 2021
3. レコーディング場所
・スタジオ1619 (予定)
Recording Place
・Studio 1619 (Plan)
・Lutheran Ichigaya Hall
*The reverberation differs depending on the places, we will use two places.
4. 演奏者名 Players
Vioin I 榎本亮子 Ryoko Enomoto
Violin II 田中ひらり Hirari Tanaka
Viola 栗原ディクソン麻里 Mari Kurihara-Dixon
Cello 熊原 彩 Aya Kumahara
Contrabass 城所琳音 Rion Kidokoro
Engineer 彦坂僚太 Ryota Hikosaka
5. 費用について
演奏者(5名)様 260,000円
エンジニア様 80,000円
・ "Ready for"への手数料
About the cost
・Rental fee for Studio&Hall 46,000 yen (Plan)
・Rental studio for rehearsal 14,000 yen (Plan)
・Reward money for players (5 players) 260,000 yen / Engneer 80,000 yen
・Fee for crowdfunding "Ready for" 60,720 yen (Plan)
* 今後のコロナウィルスの状況により、日程が遅延する可能性がございます。その際は必ず報告させて頂きます。又、やむを得ない事情により録音を中止させて頂く場合、ご支援頂きました資金は演奏のライブ配信に向けた準備のために使用させて頂きます。何卒ご了承下さいますよう、よろしくお願い申し上げます。
* Please note that due to the pandemic, there is the possibility that the recording schedule may be delayed. All such delays will be reported here. In addition, should the recording have to be canceled due to unavoidable circumstances, we will use the funds generously donated to prepare a live streaming event of the performance. Thank you.
Johnny Todd
オーストラリア出身、東京在住。20代でシドニーの有名なラテンクウォーターの音楽監督に選ばれ、サミーデイビスジュニア、ナンシーウィルソン、ビージーズなど多くの世界的なアーティストの伴奏や編曲を担当する。後に香港ヒルトン、マンダリン、ペニンシュラホテルなどアジア地域のクラブで演奏。ハワイでは著名なジャズ歌手アニタ オディや長年ルイ アームストロングのトロンボーン奏者だったトラミーヤングとの仕事の他、ハワイの歌手ドンホーの伴奏バンドの音楽監督として30年以上にわたり活躍する。ロサンゼルスやサンフランシスコ、ボストンやワシントンDCに至るほとんどの主要な米国とカナダの都市で演奏。又、多くのジャズフェスティバルに出演する。ホワイトハウスでの演奏や、ラスベガスのフラミンゴホテルの大ショウルームで音楽監督として10年間レギュラー出演、この時期にABCテレビの全米放送に定期出演し、トニーベネット、メリサマンチェスター、コニースティーブンスなど多くの著名なアーティストの伴奏バンドの音楽監督を務める。作曲家としてバンドやピアノソロなど、クールなサウンドから叙情的な美しい作品まで残している。
Born in Australia. Living in Tokyo. Johnny was appointed musical director of the famous Latin Quarter in Sydney when he was twenties.He arranging for and backing many international artists such as Sammy Davis Jr., Nancy Wilson, The Bee Gees etc. Later, performing at such places as the Hong Kong Hilton, The Mandarin and Peninsula Hotels. In Hawaii, where he began working with renowned jazz singer Anita O’Day, and long time Louis Armstrong trombone player, Trummy Young. and began an engagement as musical director for famed Hawaiian singer Don Ho, which was to span over a period of 30 years. He performed in most major U.S. and Canadian cities ranging from Los Angeles and San Francisco to Boston and Washington D.C. He has appeared in many jazz festivals and performed. Performance in White House, Regular performances as musical director of the main showroom at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas for 10 years. During this period, Johnny also acted as musical director for 92 performances on ABC national television in the U.S, backing up many prestigious artists like Tony Bennett, Melissa Manchester, Connie Stevens etc.
As a composer, he creates cool sounds and lyrical beautiful works for bands and piano solo etc.
Neil Stalnaker (1959-2020)
Born in Elkins, West Virginia. Attended West Virginia University beginning majoring in trumpet. Also, attended Berklee College of Music (Boston), Catholic University and George Washington University (Washington, D.C.). Eventually graduating from WVU with a Bachelor of Music in Applied Trumpet. He has been based in Tokyo, Japan since 1998. After years of touring in all the major cities throughout Japan, 10 years of teaching at Senzoku College of Music and leading improvisation/creative thinking workshops throughout Japan, He went to Shanghai in 2016 and has been performing at venues such as JZ, Wooden Box, UVA, The Pearl Theater and Shake as well as performances at the new Blue Note in Beijing and events for Alibaba in Hangzhou, International Music Festival in Inner Mongolia, Shanghai’s JZ International Jazz Festival, Shanghai’s International Film Festival and events in many other Chinese cities. Prior to living in Japan, he was living in New York and Washington, DC (member of the U.S. Navy's premier jazz ensemble, The Commodores 1982-87) performing, recording and touring with a wide variety of musicians from many different genres. He has toured in Europe and Russia with his own band including performances at the Montreux Jazz Festival. He continued to live in Tokyo, fighting cancer, performing, teaching improvisation workshops, composing, music for film and most painting and design. Passed away by throat cancer in Jun,2020.
Project outlook / vision in the future
I hope to have a live performance, and to produce a limited number of CDs.
I would like more people to listen to the performance by taking this opportunity.
Johnny Todd
Neil Stalnaker
どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。Thank you,
松山聡子 Satoko Matsuyama
ALMO Studio (Satoko Matsuyama)
ジャズピアニスト Johnny Todd の弦楽四重奏曲と故ジャズトランペッター・画家 Neil Stalnakerの弦楽五重奏曲のレコーディング、デジタルアルバム制作。

I will send you a thank-you e-mail and the mp3 data of the album after completion.
- 申込数
- 159
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2022年1月

I will send you a thank-you e-mail and the mp3 data of the album after completion.
- 申込数
- 159
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2022年1月