目標金額 3,000,000円
- 支援者
- 264人
- 募集終了日
- 2016年12月26日
(English Page) Why We Work on This Project in Paletwa
Hello, This is Taichi of NPO e-Education.
We are working for providing education opportunities in 6 Asian countries.
Today, we try to start a new project in a small village called Paletwa, located in the northwest of Myanmar.
No electricity access, no enough teachers and teaching materials available..
Only 3% of the high school students in Paletwa can pass the matriculation exam.
97 out of 100 students have to give up their dreams.
We would like to change the situation, by providing the solar panels and a storage battery for the light, and the BEST video lectures from the teachers in Yangon!
Video message from myself ;
Video message from Joseph, our Myanmar counterpart ;
Your kind support would really be appreciated.
This crowdfunding challenge will finish on the 26th Dec, 23:00 (UCT+9).
Unless we achieve our target goal of JPY 3,000,000 by then, this project cannot be implemented.
We need your support, for making a world children can pursue their dreams, regardless of where they are born.
①JPY 3,000 (≒ USD 30)
・Thank You Letter (by e-mail)
②JPY 10,000 (≒ USD 90)
・Thank You Letter (by e-mail)
・Pictures of students in Paletwa (by e-mail)
・Invitation to e-Education Event (*in Tokyo, Japan. Transportation fee to be paid by the supporter)
③JPY 30,000 (≒ USD 260)
・Thank You Letter (by e-mail)
・Pictures of students in Paletwa (by e-mail)
・Invitation to e-Education Event (*in Tokyo, Japan. Transportation fee to be paid by the supporter)
・A samll item from Chin State (*delivery addressed within Japan)
④JPY 50,000 (≒ USD 430)
・Thank You Letter (by e-mail)
・Pictures of students in Paletwa (by e-mail)
・Invitation to e-Education Event (*in Tokyo, Japan. Transportation fee to be paid by the supporter)
・A samll item from Chin State (*delivery addressed within Japan)
・Special Video of our projects in Myanmar (by soft copy)
⑤JPY 100,000 (≒ USD 850)
・Thank You Letter (by e-mail)
・Pictures of students in Paletwa (by e-mail)
・Invitation to e-Education Event (*in Tokyo, Japan. Transportation fee to be paid by the supporter)
・A samll item from Chin State (*delivery addressed within Japan)
・Special Video of our projects in Myanmar (by soft copy)
・Name of the supporter to be inscribed on video lecture DVD cases (to be delivered to schools in Paletwa)
⑥JPY 250,000 (≒ USD 2,130)
・Thank You Letter (by e-mail)
・Pictures of students in Paletwa (by e-mail)
・Invitation to e-Education Event (*in Tokyo, Japan. Transportation fee to be paid by the supporter)
・A samll item from Chin State (*delivery addressed within Japan)
・Special Video of our projects in Myanmar (by soft copy)
・Name of the supporter to be inscribed on video lecture DVD cases (to be delivered to schools in Paletwa)
・Invitatin to Event in Myanmar (*in Yangon, around summer 2017. Transportation fee to be paid by the supporter)
⑦JPY 500,000 (≒ USD 4,270)
・Thank You Letter (by e-mail)
・Pictures of students in Paletwa (by e-mail)
・Invitation to e-Education Event (*in Tokyo, Japan. Transportation fee to be paid by the supporter)
・A samll item from Chin State (*delivery addressed within Japan)
・Special Video of our projects in Myanmar (by soft copy)
・Name of the supporter to be inscribed on video lecture DVD cases (to be delivered to schools in Paletwa)
・Invitatin to Event in Myanmar (*in Yangon, around summer 2017. Transportation fee to be paid by the supporter)
・Visiting Report by Kohatsu, Joseph (*within Japan. Tranportation fee to be paid by e-Education)
Thank you so much for reading!
If you could support us or have any questions, please contact us by sending an e-mail to address below;
e-mail : kohatsu@eedu.jp
*The Bank Information for Supporting Our Project
Beneficiary : Specified Nonprofit Corporation e-Education
Branch : Akihabara
Account Number : 626-3083260
You can also support our project by credit card payment ;
"How to Support by Credit Card"
Thank you again for showing interest in our project!
Taichi Kohatsu, NPO e-Education
- 申込数
- 135
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2017年1月
- 申込数
- 31
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2017年4月
- 申込数
- 135
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2017年1月
- 申込数
- 31
- 在庫数
- 制限なし
- 発送完了予定月
- 2017年4月


- 現在
- 1,226,000円
- 寄付者
- 120人
- 残り
- 11日


- 現在
- 2,110,000円
- 支援者
- 145人
- 残り
- 11日
第二弾・早稲田大学競走部駅伝強化プロジェクト 箱根の頂点へ、世界へ

- 現在
- 11,900,000円
- 寄付者
- 279人
- 残り
- 42日


- 現在
- 6,690,000円
- 支援者
- 205人
- 残り
- 67日


- 現在
- 4,471,000円
- 支援者
- 307人
- 残り
- 42日


- 現在
- 2,544,000円
- 寄付者
- 108人
- 残り
- 11日

継続寄付でミャンマーに希望を ~繋がる支援で避難民の明日を~

- 総計
- 125人